Prepare yourself for the new year and enjoy the wonderful #LIVEDIN experience in 2024! Make sure you take advantage of the opportunity to schedule an appointment with Anh. Take a look at the dates provided below and click the link to ensure you secure your spot. We’re looking fo

In today’s digital age, the world of hair styling has witnessed a significant transformation. With the rise of online platforms, hairstylists now have the opportunity to connect with clients beyond the confines of their physical salons. Mastering the art of online-to-offline (O2

THE MILBON KOREA DA-LINK EVENT 2023 The DA Event was created to challenge and support hair designers worldwide, while also encouraging them to always continue learning to reach their full potential. Milbon’s “Design Abilities” or “DA” is a platform for stylists to unleas

ANH RECENTLY CREATIVE DIRECTED A NEW VIDEO, MOVEMENT, WITH MILBON. THIS NEW PART 2 VIDEO: Classical IS FOCUSED ON THE ART AND EXPRESSION OF MOVEMENT THROUGH HAIR AND DANCE. One of Anh’s favorite aspects of working with hair is discovering and enhancing its natural movement. In t